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Is the local Derbyshire Dialect, Derbyshire lingo disappearing? View our A - Z list below.
As time moves on some of the older ways are disappearing and making ways for quicker and easier ways of living our lives. Some I am very grateful for. For example I wouldn’t want to bring my children up in a polluted smoggy atmosphere or send them to work at 11 years old up a chimney. One thing that I believe should be Passed on is local dialect. I remember when I was younger I thought it was cool to speak some words that others didn’t understand. For example pig Latin, French and local dialect. I remember reading Lady Chatterley's Lover by D.H. Lawrence while I was at college and really enjoyed trying to work out the local dialect used in his book. `Shall y'ave something?' he asked her. `Shall y'ave a cup of tea? t' kettle's on t' boil'---he half rose again from his chair. |
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`It isna horrid,' he said, `even if tha thinks it is. An' tha canna ma'e it horrid. Dunna fret thysen about lovin' me. Tha'lt niver force thysen to `t. There's sure to be a bad nut in a basketful. Tha mun ta'e th' rough wi' th' smooth.'
`Tha loved me just now, wider than iver tha thout tha would. But who knows what'll 'appen, once tha starts thinkin' about it!'
I appreciate that DH Lawrence was from Eastwood in Nottinghamshire and didn’t use Derbyshire dialect; I loved it all the same.
This was recently sent to us via our contact page Andre love it when readers get in touch - thanks Sylvia:
"My mother often used the phrase: "What are you gorping at?" and "Stop gorping." (I think that's how it's spelled.) It means staring - what are you staring at, or stop staring. She was raised, along with her many descendants, in the Chesterfield, Derbyshire area".
Our A – Z of Derbyshire dialect
Aah do How do you do.
Abide Ah canner abide 'em.' To endure, (I can't stand
Agate Busy or on Fire
Ah'd gorrallon I'd got all on. I was pressed for time
Ah wer all of a shek! I was all shaken up (scared)
Ahs House
Anklebiter A Scrounger
Anna/Onna Are not, aren't
Arkin Listening. (Ark at im – listen to him)
Asker A newt
Avya gorra wivya? Is your wife with you? "Have you got her with
Awk about To carry around
Ax/Ex Ask
Ay up Hi, Hello, a friendly greeting, as in "Ay up, me
duck!" (South Derbyshire), or "Ay up, Surry!"
(Mid and North Derbyshire)
av i 'eck as No I haven’t
av i eck as like I haven't done it
B - (Derbyshire Dialect)
ba baas Naughty - "don’t touch that its ba baas" usually
said to small children.
Badly Ill, poorly, hung-over
Bag On A bad mood, "eez gorra reet bag on!"
Bagteel A Wagtail (Bird)
Balm Yeast
Banty-legged Bow-legged
Bargin/Borgin Boasting
Bat Pieces of slate contaminating coal, which cause
mild explosions in the fireplace.
Battin' Moving fast, as in: 'Eh wer battin' along!'
Battlewig Earwig
belt-job Easy job (used in certain coal-mining
communities based on watching a conveyor
Belter A good one - as in 'Twoz a belter!'
Be sed That's enough, be told
Bill's mothas A vague direction, over there, as in "It looks a bit
black owa Bill's mothers". It's black uvver ahh
Bill's motha's - it looks like rain, impending bad
Bladdered Drunk
Bladder o lard Bald
Blart Bellow
Blobbed Stuck out, as in 'Shey blobbed 'er tongue aht ut
blubber/blubb To cry/weep uncontrollably (i.e. "Stop your
bobby dazzler Handsome, a cute baby.
Bobby off Polite way of saying get lost, go away.
Bobby's Job An easy task
Bod Bird
Bon/Bont Burn, as in "I've gone and bont mesen".
Bonk An incline, hillside, slope (from 'bank'.)
Bonny In many dialects, this has the sense of ‘looking
well’ often referring to a healthy plumpness. In
Leicester and Nottingham, a transferred sense
of overweight is derived from this sense.
Borra Lend, as in "Borra us yer spade, me duck".
Bostin/Bossin Bursting, full up
Boz-eyed Cross-eyed.
Brawn Boar
Brig A bridge
Brimmin On heat
Bull week Miner's term for the week before a holiday,
when record amounts of coal are produced (and
maximum bonuses are earned).
C - (Derbyshire Dialect)
Caded Spoilt.
Cart off Clear off, leave
Canned Up Drunk
Causey Pavement
Chance child Child born out of wedlock
Chelping Backchat
Chisits People from Skegness, due to their expression
for "how much is it" when asking the price in
chommax Grind with teeth, eg tuffies (sweets) should be
gently sucked, not chommaxed and galloped
chops Cheeks
Chuck Throw, Chuck us 'ball.
Chuffin' Expression of exasperation - 'Chuffin 'ell!!!!'
Chunter To complain, mumble.
Clackfart Tell tale
Cleck Face
Clammed Very hungry.
Clobber Clothes
Clompin As me Nam used it often 'Give over clompin'. Since the 1800's, clomp has been used to mean "to walk as with clogs." It's thought to be a variation on the word clump, which can mean "a lump of something," but also means "the sound of heavy footsteps." Also I found through a Dutch girlfriend that Klompen means Cloggs in the Netherlands!! (Thanks Carl for contacting us and submitting this)
Clonk To hit. 'It clonked me ont th'ead'
cloth yer one Hit you (I’ll cloth yer one)
Clouts Trousers (usually pronounced claarts)
Clouty Dirty.
collywobbles / collynobs Brussel sprouts
coughdrop Cheekily humorous person, ee’s a rate
Council Pop Tap water
Cob A bread roll (bap)
Cob To throw
Cowd Cold
Croaker Doctor
Croggie To give a friend a lift on your bike. Either on
crossbar or the friend is on the seat while you
peddle in standing position.
crozzled Overcooked bacon
Cut Canal
D - (Derbyshire Dialect)
Daddied ower Tired
Daft bogger Silly devil Bogger is an old Norse term for "Will
o the wisp", or Marsh Devil which is methane
burning at the surface of a bog.
Dead Ace Great, as in that games dead ace
Dead Fit Really beautiful
Deedar Someone who lives in Sheffield
Diddycoy Somebody who resembles a gypsy
Dob im in Tell on him (to the authorities)
Dogshelf Floor
Dolly tub Tub for washing clothes
Donna Don’t
Donna be maudling Don't be so sentimental
Dotty Dirty
Duck Dear, love (for men or women). Ay up me duck
– hello my dear
Duck’s necks Bottle of lemonade
Dunna Don’t
Dunna gerrum gooin'! Don't upset them.
Dunna wittle! Don't worry.
E - (Derbyshire Dialect)
Ee's neearr-sweat He's lazy!
Eh fell ova is-sen He was eager. 'Eh fell ova is-sen te gerra better
Eh's gorra munk on He's in a bad mood.
Eh's thray shaits te t'wind! He's drunk! (Three sheets to the wind)
Ere Here (ovaere – over here)
Ey-up Hello
F - (Derbyshire Dialect)
fair gostered A good laugh
fast Stuck, caught e.g. (ooze gorra fɪnɡer fast -
who's got a finger stuck)
Firk Scratch
fizzog Face (Possibly from the French visage?)
Flit To move house
Fossneck Know-it-all
Fuddle A small party/Bit of a do
Fun Found, as in 'Ah fun that photo up int loft'
G - (Derbyshire Dialect)
gollop Swallow hastily / greedily
gammy Injured. As in gammy leg or arm
Ganzi Pullover or sweater
Gerraht! Get out!
Gerr ert! I don't believe you (Get away with you).
Geroff wi yer No way I don’t believe you
Git – (Insult) Idiot/Not very nice person
Gizzit Give it to me
Gleg Look.
Gis a gleg Let me see/look. Tek a gleg at’err – take a
look at that girl/her
Gobby Got a lot to say
Gob it out Spit it out.
Gone-aht! Surprised, as in 'Eh lowked gone-aht ut mey'
– He looked surprised at me.
gotta monk on Sulking
graunch Grind with back teeth, as a dog with a bone
Gorping Looking at
H - (Derbyshire Dialect)
Hark To listen/hear. (IE: "Hark at that dog
Harping on Nagging
I - (Derbyshire Dialect)
Idle-jacks Loose skin around the fingernails.
Int winder bottom On the window sill.
Is it woth ote? Is it worth anything?
Island Roundabout
Is sen Himself
itl all com artt int wash Things will be better tomorrow
It's nowt te dow wi' mey It's nothing to do with me
J - (Derbyshire Dialect)
Jitty Small alleyway.
K - (Derbyshire Dialect)
Kecks Trousers or underwear depending
Keen Painful ‘It caught me ont arm, an' it cum keen
an' all'
Knackered Tired
Knockin' stick Hammer
Knockometer Hammer
L - (Derbyshire Dialect)
larup/larop To cover with (usually a thick substance)
Let dog say t'rabbit Make room.
Let's be raight Let us look at the situation truthfully.
M - (Derbyshire Dialect)
Manchester screwdriver Hammer
Mank abaht To mess about, fool around.
Manky Not working properly
Manny Bossy.
mardy Grumpy, sulky i.e. "She's a mardy one!"
mash To make a pot of tea
Meesen / yerrsen Myself / yourself
Mend t'fire Put some more coal on the fire
Mizzle Very fine rain - finer than drizzle!
N - (Derbyshire Dialect)
Namor No More. Ah've towd yuh, an' ah'll tell yuh
namor (I’ve told you, and I’ll tell you no more)
'Nen mate' Now then mate (Greeting)
nesh A weak person, or one who feels the cold
'Nah theen' Now then (Greeting)
Nowt Nothing
Nuke To microwave something
O - (Derbyshire Dialect)
oakie Ice cream (common in Leicestershire) see
Hokey cokey
'ollin it dahn! Pouring with rain.
on of "There woz two on em'" (There were two of
Om Home
Ommocks Feet.
Orate How you doing? Also used to show concern -
Are You Orate?
Ormin To 'orm' is to 'doss'/hang around getting in the
way. (IE: 'Them children be ormin in't oss
Oss House, sometimes pronounced ahs
Owd yer osses Wait a moment
Owd yer sweat Take it easy, calm down
Ower Over
Owt Anything (di ger owt from shops – Did you
find anything at the shops)
P - (Derbyshire Dialect)
paste To beat, he got a good pastin the other night,
piddle Falling liquid as rain or urine (i.e. "It's piddling
down with rain" or "A dog's just piddled on the
wall" or I gorra go fer a quick piddle)
Piggle To work away at something with the fingers.
(i.e. "Stop piggling that scab!")
poncher Perforated brass bowl on a broomstick, for
agitating washing in a dolly tub
Pop Fizzy drink
Pot A plaster cast
Pots Dishes ie "Ah'll goo n wesh t'pots."
puddled/puddle-drunk Intoxicated
Pumps Gym shoes
Put wood int th' ole Shut the door!
Puther To pour out uncontrollably. Usually of smoke,
steam or dust
R - (Derbyshire Dialect)
Raight as a cart Feeling fine
Rammel Worthless rubbish.
Reet Right/Alright. "Are you reet?”
Rayt Really
Rorrin Crying
Rumman Can mean a lot of things. It is used as a general
term. Someone wins a game "Ye rumman!"
Someone injures themselves "Ye silly
Rummon Cheeky child, eez a rayt rummon – He’s a
really cheeky boy)
S - (Derbyshire Dialect)
Scratin'/Scraitin' Crying
Scrat-up Shortage of money, as in: 'Ah maniged te gi'e
'em ther bus-fares, burrit wer a scrat-up' – I
managed to give them their bus fare but it
was a struggle.
Scrumpin Stealing fruit from someone’s garden
Shideradtara She would have had to have
shimmy Vest (Possibly from the French chemise?)
Shin tin She is not in
Shonsh To show off
skank Mean or unfair
Skanky Dirty, common
Skerret Lit bit of food (Ate every skerret)
sket A useless person.
Skets To hurry (get yer skets on).
Slops Cops/Policemen
Slorm To lounge around/To smear something
Sloshed Drunk
Smarmy Can mean either 'smug', or 'slimy'. "Ye
smarmy git!")
Smockravel(ed) Confuse(ed)
Snap Used to mean a miner's lunch but now a
general word for lunch.
snapin lunch/food, tekken ta werk, taken to work
Snap tin Lunchbox
snidered/snided/snied Covered/infested, (DH Lawrence used the word
'Snied' in a description of an infestation of mice
in Sons and Lovers.)
Soz Sorry
Spadge Sparrow.
Spidge Chewing gum/Bubble gum
Spidge Sparrow
Starnie Starling
Stodged Full up
Stodgin' yer 'odge Eating greedily.
sucker Iced lolly
Summat Something. Summat tait = something to eat
Supwiye? What's up with you?
Sustificate A certificate
Swilkerin' To drink tea from a saucer
T - (Derbyshire Dialect)
Tabs Ears
Tab 'anging Listening into someone else's conversation
Taitered Exhausted
Tat-ar An ordeal, a bad time, as in: 'Ah've ad a raight
tat-ar in them shops this mornin!
Tattis Potatoes
Tatered/Taitered Tired
Teggies Teeth, usually childrens.
Tek Take
tem tea how Pour the tea out
Terarr Good bye
Thez summat up wee im I think he may be ill. "There's something wrong
with him.
Throbby Song thrush
Throttle Strangle
Tret Treated, as in "I tret mesen terrer new frock". I
treated myself to new dress.
tuffees Sweets, confectionery. gis a tuffee Give me a
Yeh norra gerrin no tuffees! You aren't having any sweets!
Twave Microwave
twitchel Alleyway between gardens
U - (Derbyshire Dialect)
Up te press Up to now, up to present time
Utch up! Move a little, budge yourself
W - (Derbyshire Dialect)
Wabbie Wasp
Wang Throw
Wanky Weak
wazzerk/wassock Fool (used across the East & West Midlands)
Werrat A loud child
Wesh Wash (Ah'll ay te wesh mi cleck - I'll have to
wash my face.
Wittle Worry. Dunna wittle, Don’t worry.
Womit Go home!
Woppit Wasp
Wobbie Wasp
Woz Were
Y - (Derbyshire Dialect)
yack To throw up. yack me guts up
yerrsen/ Meesen Yourself / Myself
Yoth/Yothe/Youth Used in greetings. Has nothing to do with age
but with older men is usually only applied to
others of a similar age. Ay up yoth – Hello my
We hope you have enjoyed our Derbyshire dialect. If you have any other Derbyshire dialect for us to add please send it via our contacts page.
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